About Us

The Association of Illinois Real Estate Educators (AIREE) is a non-profit organization made up of individuals concerned with real estate education, training, or research.  AIREE offers an opportunity to keep up-to-date and be part of a community of professionals sharing the same goals and objectives.

AIREE members come from all over the State of Illinois, representing:

  • colleges and universities
  • proprietary schools
  • real estate brokerage companies
  • real estate associations
  • regulatory agencies
  • real estate authors and publishers
  • real estate education administrators, instructors, and trainers
  • industry partners including lenders, builders, appraisers, attorneys, and title insurers

State-wide participation enhances perspective by allowing our members to interact with peers who work in areas throughout the state.

AIREE committees allow members to meet and collaborate in areas of personal interest and expertise.  Committees include technology, membership, communications, regulatory, and events.

AIREE offers an exchange of information for those involved in every aspect of real estate education and training, including degree programs, on-going continuing education, sales training, pre-licensing, consulting, post-graduate studies, research, designation programs, and real estate publishing.  

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© Association of Illinois Real Estate Educators
 877-290-3458  |  1440 W. Taylor St, PMB 4218, Chicago, IL 60607