Join us

AIREE's low-cost annual membership will provide you access to the following:

Membership Benefit Individual ($49) Organization ($149)
Primary Representative

AIREE regularly publishes an e-newsletter covering regulatory, legal, industry, and professional issues that impact our members.


This is your opportunity to attend events where other educators exchange ideas and interact with regulatory officials. Most members look forward to attending our annual Instructor Training Conference, a full-day event that provides industry updates, networking opportunities, and instructor development training sessions designed to satisfy the IDFPR requirements for instructor license application and renewal.

New members may attend the Instructor Training Conference for FREE during their first year of membership. (Lapsed members are not eligible for this discount.)

Members Forums & Networking

Our members-only area of the website provides members with an opportunity to collaborate, share news, ideas, and information outside of scheduled meetings and conferences.

View Membership Roster

Members may search and view fellow member profiles.

Listing on AIREE Public Website

Member Organizations are listed on AIREE's website, here.

Post Job Opportunities on AIREE Website
REALTOR® Code of Ethics Training Agreement

AIREE has established an agreement with the North Shore-Barrington Association of REALTORS® ("NSBAR") that enables AIREE's Organization Members that are also Illinois Real Estate Education Providers (schools) to offer REALTOR® Code of Ethics training courses that are required for members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).

Organization members who chosoe to participate in this program will notify NSBAR when individual students complete and pass the Code of Ethics course. NSBAR will record these course completions as required to document each REALTOR® member's compliance with the NAR requirement.

Education Provider Suppport

AIREE acts as a liason so to help Education Providers (schools) communicate with regulators and other industry organizations, such as the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), Division of Real Estate and PSI (formerly Applied Measurement Professionals)

© Association of Illinois Real Estate Educators
 877-290-3458  |  1440 W. Taylor St, PMB 4218, Chicago, IL 60607