2017 Instructor Training Conference

  • 06/09/2017
  • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Abbington Distinctive Banquets, 3S002 IL-53, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

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We look forward to seeing you at our annual event, which provides an opportunity for you to learn valuable information from industry professionals. 

This full-day program has been approved by the IDFPR and includes six hours of instructor development training that is required for:

  • Pre-License Education Instructors who are required to complete a course for their license renewal
  • Continuing Education Instructors who are required to complete a course for their license renewal
  • Candidates for approval as Continuing Education Instructors.
More Program Details Coming Soon!
Don't Wait, Take Advantage of
Early Bird Registration:

June 9, 2017  |  8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Abbington Distinctive Banquets, Glen Ellyn, Illinois (map)

Building Instructor Expertise In Communication and Engagement
Karel Murray, CSP, DREI returns by popular demand, after her engaging and effective presentation at last year's Instructor Training Conference.  

Embracing change is critical for instructors. Leveraging new technologies and communication avenues will keep you relevant without feeling overwhelmed. Attendees will work to enhance their interactive style and ability to decode signals, especially when working with diverse groups of attendees. Attendees will learn how to design an approach that suits different generations and improve their overall effectiveness by incorporating instruction/presentation styles that ensure the content and delivery are aligned with the evolving marketplace.

Specifically, we’ll cover fundamentals regarding change, personality types, body language, gender communication differences, identifying and minding the gap between generations, and learner engagement.

Kreg Allison, Director of the Division of Real Estate at IDFPR
Director Allison will present important information about relevant legislative and regulatory changes that will impact Illinois real estate licensees.  This valuable session will include a Q&A opportunity. 

Escrow, TItle, and Fraud
Our presenters from Chicago Title Insurance Company will share timely information related to handling of earnest money, risks of fraudulent wire transfer and common title issues. Attendees will benefit by having a greater understanding in each of these subjects, so that they can better educate licensees and help to protect consumers. 

Mitigating Risk:  What Could Go Wrong?
Jon Schildt, Calculated Risk Advisors, LLC will share a brief, but valuable presentation that allow us to consider the risks encountered by real estate licensees and insurance products that help to mitigate risk.  Jon's presentation will cover common questions and concerns, based on his practice and experience.

The Mortgage Market in a New Political Era: Regulations, Rates and Rumors
Peter Citera, Director of Mortgage Education, Real Estate Institute, will review the current regulatory landscape and discuss ways that mortgage lending may be affected by executive orders, the outcome of PHH vs. CFPB, and other regulatory actions. Then, he will discuss ways that licensees and consumers might be affected by changes to (or repeal of) the Dodd-Frank Act. After a discussion of the interest rate market and trends that might be confirmed or derailed, Peter will share updates related to government lending programs and how changes might I mpact fair housing / fair lending.

Don't Delay, Register Today!

© Association of Illinois Real Estate Educators
 877-290-3458  |  1440 W. Taylor St, PMB 4218, Chicago, IL 60607