2016 Instructor Training Conference

  • 05/20/2016
  • 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Abbington Distinctive Banquets, 3S002 IL-53, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

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We look forward to seeing you at our annual event, which provides an opportunity for you to learn valuable information from industry professionals. 

This full-day program is approved by the IDFPR to provide six hours of instructor development training that is required for:

  • Pre-License Education Instructors who are required to complete a course for their license renewal
  • Continuing Education Instructors who are required to complete a course for their license renewal
  • Candidates for approval as Continuing Education Instructors.
Take Advantage of Early Bird Registration

May 20, 2016  |  8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Abbington Distinctive Banquets, Glen Ellyn, Illinois (map)

Presenting With Confidence, Credibility and Charisma
Karel Murray, CSP, DREI, shares her expertise in this three hour program focused on presentation guidelines and professional speaking techniques to help presenters gain the confidence necessary to deliver dynamic, effective content with passion and credibility. Karel will cover items such as program and presentation planning, credential review, topic development and selection, research and copyright issues, content and handouts, teaching methods, visuals, delivery and feedback. Say goodbye to ineffective, lackluster presentations!

IDFPR Real Estate Division Update
Jill D. Johnson, Real Estate Coordinator, and Kreg Allison, Acting Director of the IDFPR Real Estate Division, will address important changes to the license act and rules and provide other updates of interest regarding the IDFPR Real Estate Division, including a summary of the top compliance issues discovered during examinations, which often result in discipline. This valuable information will aid in the development and delivery of pre-license and continuing education courses. This session will include Q&A, as time permits.
Fair Housing Update
Allison K. Bethel, Clinical Professor and Director of the Fair Hosing Clinic at the John Marshall Law School, returns to discuss recent fair housing cases and share important updates that underscore the importance of spreading awareness of discrimination in housing. Attendees will benefit from Allison’s insight and experience acquired during her career as a fair housing advocate and her eight years managing a legal clinic that focuses on housing discrimination and civil litigation.

Don't Delay, Register Today!

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors:


© Association of Illinois Real Estate Educators
 877-290-3458  |  1440 W. Taylor St, PMB 4218, Chicago, IL 60607